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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Poetry Taste #24: “Watchful Hawk”


The watchful hawk perched

Tall atop the soccer goal -

Monitors in dusk.

[Alyssa Scheidemann - 2022]

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Poetry Taste #23: “Monarch Butterflies in a Garden”

Monarch Butterfly in flight
Monarch butterfly in flight | ©AlyssaScheidemann

In the butterfly

Garden, a Monarch passes,

So regal in flight.

Two Monarchs flutter

Around each other in dance,

On an autumn day.

One butterfly lands

On an orange flower to

Rest in the garden.

[Alyssa Scheidemann - 2021]

Monday, April 24, 2023

Poetry Taste #22: "Bright Summer Sea"


Poetry Taste

The sun shining bright

Makes the sea water sparkle

Like a diamond stone.

[Alyssa Scheidemann - 2011]

Friday, April 7, 2023

Poetry Taste #21: Nonet - "Family Time on Easter"


Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs in Basket
Bunny with decorated eggs in a basket. © kobeza - Adobe Stock

Easter is lovely family time.
The house decorated with eggs,
Pastels and bunny statues.
Dipping eggs in colors.
Festive family meals.
Shaped chocolates
In baskets.
End of

[Alyssa Scheidemann - 2023]

Easter decorations. © Pixel-Shot - Adobe Stock

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Friday, March 17, 2023

Poetry Taste #20: "St. Paddy's Day This Year"


St. Paddy's Day Decor

St. Patrick's Day decor - © wavebreak3 - Adobe Stock

It is different this year,
When celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.
I usually enjoy hard cider since I don’t like beer.

It is on a community food truck night over here,
Which means at least it falls on a Friday.
So it is different this year.

I have a planned path I need to adhere
To; being alcohol-free with no leeway.
I usually enjoy hard cider since I don’t like beer.

Instead I’ll focus on a relaxed atmosphere,
With mocktails, a minty milkshake or green entree.
Which makes it different this year.

How different I’ll need to celebrate is clear.
And from my plan, I won’t stray.
I usually enjoy hard cider since I don’t like beer.

Regardless of the festivities, there’ll be lots of cheer,
And the mood won’t be dull & grey.
It really is different this year,
Since I usually enjoy hard cider because I don’t like beer.

[Alyssa Scheidemann - 2023]

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, February 20, 2023

Poetry Taste #19: "Morning Grass"


Dew on grass
Dew on grass - © Paul - Adobe Stock

The grass, wet with dew,

Sparkles in the Spring sun like

Crystals on the ground.

[Alyssa Scheidemann - 2021]